Saturday, 26 February 2011

Summary #2 - Exciting Additions!

Well my friends, it has kindly been brought to my attention that I missed my dear friend Evan's blog in the process of creating my blog about blogs. My apologies Evan! Also, while stealthily creeping the world wide web (thank you Facebook, for teaching me everything I know) I discovered that KK has a blog too! Jeez Louise, I really have my work cut out for me now. Good thing I just finished skimming over the entire section of my notes on bovine respiratory diseases, and I'm taking a well-deserved break.

Mo-man: His most recent post was about - you guessed it - ice climbing! No, not gear. I was surprised too. Anyways, he went to some place called the Money Wall with Evan and Coleman (don't know him, but does he have a blog? Should I be following that one too?) had his first ascent of the season (possibly ever)! Woooo way to go Morgan! The ice was described as having "fphatness" (f for fat, as in thick and abundant, and ph for phat, as in pretty hawt and tempting).

Evan: Made a really cool (ingenious) modification to his new Petzl Vision (visor for ice climbing helmet, to protect from ice that will inevitably fly at your face). I guess I should restate his disclaimer that "you modify your gear at your own risk!" Remember kiddies, safety tests and warranties are only good for products as purchased. But don't worry about Evan, he's a smart dude. And now he won't have frozen condensation on his visor while ice climbing!

KK: Put a fake blog link on one of her design projects. Now will attempt to start and maintain said blog in real life. Hooray! The XC/DH team she joined this year (which just happens to be Josh's team too) put out their press release.

Fruity: Woke up this morning in a daze. Will attempt to race on a cyclocross bike for 100 km. Good luck Fruity, we love you!

In about an hour and a half, I'll be walking out that door to freedom! And by freedom, I mean going home to eat dinner so I can continue to study.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Summary #1

I'm at work...where else, but the OVC. Sometimes I just never leave this place. But only 20 minutes left in my shift, so I probably can't get much effective work done in that time, right? Here's the first blog summary!

Fruity: Convinced the guy at Dahlonega Wheelworks to lend him a cyclocross bike for free, for a 100 km race, if he wears the shop jersey and does a decent job of racing. Subsequently got invited to LBS guy's party on Saturday, where there will be "dirtbikes and fireworks and shit".

Motorbota: Having an awesome time in NZ, had a bit of a rough go in her first race. On the third lap, had the biggest crash of her life in to a blackberry bush - she thought it was a rosebush. The locals corrected her.

Bizzle: Riding like a monster in Tucson. Ran in to Manton! Small world. They hung out in a jacuzzi-like pool together after their epic ride. Bayden looks tanned, and there are many cacti. *Author's note: boooooo road bikes, yaaaaaaaayyyyyy mountain bikes!

Heemie: Had an epiphany. His lacklustre for mtb racing by the end of last season was a manifestation of his worries about entering the real world. Well, no more stagnant post-university blues, he's got a real job and a real desire to train once again! Rahim, want to pass some of that enthusiasm this way? OVC has crushed my spirit.  
This is Bubba. He lives around the clinics here at OVC, and sometimes he keeps me company when I'm working. Doesn't he look happy sleeping over that heating vent? Look, there's even a window that allows me to see sunshine!

Day 1: Procrasti-master

My study notes for bovine circulatory disorders.
Are you tired of checking multiple blogs in a day? Want to stay updated with Erica, Rahim, Gingie, Boyfruit, and Baydsters all in one fell swoop?!
Clearly I'd rather be doing anything other than schoolwork right now. So join me on my journey to become an elite-level procrastinator while I create a blog about blogs, and wish I was doing the fun, active things that my friends are doing!!!